Property Naama Consultants

Like food, clothes, and other necessities of life, a house is also a basic necessity of every human being. However, due to high upfront costs, every individual can not afford to own a house. So, many people live in rental homes, which take a major part of their monthly income. Therefore, I will solve this and explain How to buy a house with zero money.

I have described a step-by-step guide to buying a house with limited resources without taking a bank loan. Please read through it!



How to Buy a House with Zero Money?


What Does Mean by Zero Money?

“Zero Money” means you will build your house without an upfront cost, down payment, or a big amount of cash in advance. You will take the first step towards house building through available resources.

Cut Your Living Costs

You can reduce your living costs, such as food, clothes, outings, and utility bills. Through these little savings, you can collect a decent amount of cash in 2-3 years to start building your house.

Sale Your Unnecessary Asset

You can arrange an initial amount for house building by selling any of your assets that is currently not necessary for you. For example, sell your vehicle and use public transport for daily commuting. Moreover, you can sell an unused gold set of your wife or unnecessary house furniture to create house funds.

Take Advance Salary

You can also take an advance salary of 01 year or 06 months from your office to set out funds for house building. Using all the above methods, you can save a good amount of money in a 1-2 year time frame, which we will call “Zero Money” for house building. Now, use this money to take the first step towards your house building to buy a residential plot.


Step-by-Step Guide for How to Buy a House with Zero Money? 

After saving a amount to build your house, you can make this happen by following these steps:

Step 1: Buy a Residential Plot

After arranging the good cash, now buy a residential plot. It is the first step towards building your house. Do not buy residential plots in a far-off location of your city or town where the price of land is significantly less compared to populated areas.

You can buy a small size  03, 04, or 05 Marla plot according to your family size and requirements.

Step 2: Start to Construct with DPC

After buying the plot for your house, the next step is to make a map of your home by yourself without giving any penny to a civil engineer. After that, lay down the Damp Proof Course (DPS) according to your map on the plot.


step by step guide How to Buy a House with Zero Money?


Step 3: Start Wall Construction

Now, after putting in DPC, wait for 06 months to 01 year for enough savings to start wall construction and other gray structures of your house. You can use old bricks or old steel from a broken house. It will reduce the cost of the basic structure of the house.

Step 4: Putting Lanter (Slab)

After the four walls and other basic structures, you have to put a lantern (Slab) on these walls. For this purpose, you should wait again for 6 months to 1 year and save money. During this period, buy slab ingredients such as steel, cement, and sand to make a PRC mixture. After putting the slab, your house Is 80 % completed.

Step 5: Finishing Work

In the last step, complete the plaster coating, water, gas, electricity wiring, and other such work. After that, do woodwork such as doors, windows, cubits, kitchen cabins, and other finishing work.

Now, your house is almost ready to live. With your resources and gradual savings, you can build your house in 3-4 years without taking a bank loan. So, using this approach, you can get rid of rental houses and build your assets.



Get Advice from a Property Consultant

If you want to take advice to construct your house and want to buy a residential plot  on your limited budget, then you can contact our property consultants at the given contact number:

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UAN: +92 332 7777888

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WhatsApp: 0331 0105531